Here at Chapel Grange we believe that good home cooked nutritional food is an integral part of our learning environment. All our food is prepared and cooked in house by our experienced kitchen staff and we endeavour to source as much as possible locally. Menus can be found on the pin board in the cloakroom for you to view and are reviewed throughout the course of the year.
We aim to offer our children a wide variety of meals and hope this is reflected in our menus. Healthy eating/lifestyle is an integral part of Chapel Grange, we discuss the value of food and the importance of a healthy and varied diet. At meals times, the children are encouraged to try new foods they may encounter.
We also aim to cater for most dietary needs, if your child has a particular dietary need please feel free to discuss it with the nursery manager and we will look to accommodate your child’s needs.
Our rural setting makes us fortunate enough to have a growing area where the children are encouraged to plant and tender fruit and vegetables which, when mature, we harvest and use in our kitchen. It’s a great way for them to learn about nature, the growing cycle and how and where our food comes from, and its all pesticide free.
An important aspect of meal times is developing appropriate tables manners. The staff role model the manners we want to see in the children. Grace and curtseys are an integral part of the daily nursery philosophy and meals times are a great time to emphasise this, children are encouraged to use ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ where necessary while understanding that talking with your mouth full is not desirable. We also encouraged them to use calm ‘indoor’ talking voices at the dinner table and to tuck in their chair when leaving the table.
Independence is strongly advocated during all aspects of the nursery day and meal times are no exception. Our children serve their meals to their friends promoting coordination and social etiquette skills, children will then carry their food to a seating place of their choice, all of which are great practical life experiences that are really enjoyed by them all.